How to Record Podcasts is a website dedicated to teaching you how to podcast. From audio to video podcasting, YouTube, Live streaming and more. HTRP will help you understand what you need.
Yes You Can Podcast Too!
The purpose of this website it to educate, enlighten, and encourage you to put multimedia on your blog. It doesn’t have to be a full-blown podcast, but I believe everyone should put their face on their website instead of some cold, faceless logo.
Podcasters’ Roundtable
Podcasters' Roundtable is a rotating panel of podcasters who debate issues facing podcasters and podcasting as a media format. Each Roundtable features a new podcaster from the community of listeners to talk less about the how-to and more about the subjective issues facing podcast producers. This is the audio only feed taken from the originally aired live Google Hangout On-Air.
Ask the Podcast Coach
Got Podcast Questions? We have answers! Join Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting and Jim Collison from the Gallop “Call the Coach” show (and the Average Guy TV) as they cover all topics of podcasting. Learn tips on the best gear, new technology, podcast promotion strategies, ways to connect with your audience and increase your influence. We are live every Saturday at 10:30 AM ET at
The Audacity to Podcast
Award-winning podcast for you to learn about podcasting, Audacity, and WordPress from Daniel J. Lewis. Awarded #1 technology podcast in 2012 by people's choice. Podcasting is a exciting and personal way to share your message with others, but how do you do it? What equipment, software, and skills do you need? Daniel gives you answers to these and more podcasting questions. Many episodes focus entirely on Audacity. Send your questions and feedback to or call (903) 231-2221.