“New and Noteworthy” is hosted by Dave Westwood and features interviews with today's newest and hottest podcasters, ones that have made iTunes and Stitcher's “New and Noteworthy” lists. Interviews include: Arel Moodie from “The Art of Likability” Joel Boggess and Dr. Pei of “ReLaunch” Rye Taylor of “Take Action Q&A” Craig Haworth of “Winning Youth Coaching” Erin Smith of “The Starters Club” Jessica Sitomer of “Finding Happily Ever After” John Lee Dumas of “Entrepreneur on Fire” and “Quotes on Fire” Shows are broadcast every Tuesday and Friday. You can connect with the show at www.newandnoteworthy.net or on Facebook at www.facebook.com/newandnoteworthy
Free Podcast Course Podcast
This is a free Podcast course brought you by the founder and host of EntrepreneurOnFire, John Lee Dumas. In this course delivered via Podcasts, John shares everything you need to know on how to create, grow, and monetize a Podcast, and MUCH more. Every episode packs a punch of value, and you'll be off to the races on your Podcasting journey in no time flat! In this episode, John Lee Dumas shares the 3 most commonly asked questions by Podcasting newbies! Check out www.FreePodcastCourse.com to sign up for a Free Podcast Course that includes 15 video tutorials and much more!
The Podcast Method
Dan Benjamin answers your questions about podcasting and recording, audio and video equipment, software, mic technique, pre- and post-production, workflows, and more. Hosted by Dan Benjamin.
Understanding Podcasting!
Understanding Podcasting! is an attempt to get at the real essence of podcasting. Plenty of sites discuss the mechanics, especially for beginners. Well, it’s time to stop talking only to beginners. Let’s get philosophical!
This is a journey to explore what podcasting is, what it might be, and what it might mean to the world.
Podcasting is a new medium. The implications of it are just starting to be understood. Some wonder if it is a fad, or if it represents a fundamental shift in entertainment, information delivery, marketing and more. Others wonder if what we see today is the way that it will be forever.
I think there is room to explore here. This podcast is more about philosophy than technology, more about what you can or should be able to do with podcasting, and much less about the specifics of technology as it exists today.
If you are looking for a way to learn how to podcast, you probably aren’t going to find much here.
If you are looking for a way to see why to podcast — both today and tomorrow — then you are in the right place.
This podcast is all about the brilliant world of Podcasting – teaching you how to grow from novice podcaster to confident broadcaster. In this podcast I cover the full range of Podcasting skills, looking at: Podcasting Equipment – what microphones to buy, when to get a mixer, how to set it all up. Podcasting Techniques – recording interviews, recording outside events. Podcast Editing – what software to use, how to create the best audio possible. Podcast Promotion – how to grow your audience, how to market your brand. Podcast Planning – scripting, episode planning, topic generation. Podcast Monetisation – how to make money out of your broadcast without turning off your audience. And more – podcasting environments, events, speaking skills. I'll be bringing on guests from popular podcasts, talking to novices and experts alike, and generally helping you to create the best podcast possible. If you have any suggestions for future episodes, or feedback on the podcast, get in touch on twitter at @thepodcasthost or through the website at http://www.thepodcasthost.com/podschool
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